An answer we should all know, what is the number one killer of women?

Heart disease! However, when you ask many this question you will hear answers such as breast cancer or stroke. It is always shocking when I ask this question during a CPR class because it is very rare to hear heart disease as the first answer.

Women present with a heart attack differently than men. When I worked in a Cardiac ICU, we taught women that pain from the belly button up should be treated as chest pain. A recent CPR student said "I had indigestion that started on a Friday, and I kept taking Tums hoping it would get better." By, Monday she was in the Cardiac Cath Lab getting a stent. She said, "I didn't know I was having a heart attach because I didn't have chest pain."

Keep an eye out for shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, back or jaw pain, and fatigue. Think this could be a heart attack and call 911 immediately! Don't drive to the hospital because what if you need
CPR during the drive?

Let's be sure everyone knows that heart disease is the number one killer of women. And, get CPR certified just in case the heart attack becomes a cardiac arrest!

Active Assist HCS- CPR Training Center 108 Greentree Rd, Unit JK, Turnersville ,NJ 08012. Call/Text: 856-375-0866