This is a question we hear often. Many people hesitate at the thought of shaving the beard they’ve meticulously groomed to perfection. Others don’t want to change their look just because they need to get fit tested for work. So, it’s no surprise that we frequently receive photos on our text line with full-face beards attached to the question, “Is this okay?”
We can sense the heartbreak behind the messages when we reply: “You must be clean-shaven.” And then comes the inevitable follow-up: “Why?”
Why Must You Be Clean-Shaven?
Simply put, facial hair can interfere with the mask's seal. Imagine being exposed to a deadly gas or a highly infectious respiratory illness. Without a proper seal, the risk to your health could be significant. Or consider working during respiratory season when illnesses like RSV, COVID-19, influenza, or tuberculosis are prevalent. You’d want the assurance that your mask fits properly and is protecting you.
This is why we strictly adhere to OSHA’s health and safety standards, which require a clean-shaven face for fit testing. It's not about aesthetics—it's about safety.
Remember, the hair will grow back. But if you fall seriously ill because your mask wasn’t properly fitted, the consequences could be much worse.
A Seasonal Note
We often receive fit-testing requests just before the holidays. In these cases, we suggest enjoying your gatherings and photo ops first. Then, once the festivities are over, you can embrace a fresh start for the new year with a "new face"—or rather, a new clean-shaven face.